Our Practitioners' training program on The Use of Research Evidence (PPURE) is geared at competency-based capacity building for both technical administrators and legislators’ policymakers in using research evidence to inform child-focused policymaking and programming for the improved social well-being of children in Uganda and Africa. We conducted a training needs assessment which informed the development of a curriculum that we used to train Civil Society Organisational leaders and government officials on utilizing research.

My practice is going to incorporate a lot more research; this is something I was not intentionally doing. Learning from researchers who have studied a particular intervention or topic area can inform the work I do so a lot of literature review is what I am going to be up to. I believe I am going to go back on a journey of understanding the interventions and approaches that we are currently using in our work.” – PPURE Training Participant

Thank you, AfriChild for Training, I am grateful and enjoyed it, and I am impressed with the knowledge shared and the new research skills I acquired. I look forward to Attending all the other next research training that will be organized by AfriChild.” – PPURE Training Participant


2. The Inter-University and PPURE Training Programs by the AfriChild Centre